Friday, May 30, 2014


Good Morning and Happy Friday! The weekend has officially started and that means different things for all of us! My kids are off to their Dads for the weekend and that is when I really kick up my business into high gear! Today I am going to discuss different ideas of ways you can successfully start your own business. First of all I make and sell products which is one business I do and the other business I do is working as an It Works Distributor. Both of my jobs are absolutely amazing!

So looking at my first business. How I started. Years ago I knew people were making money on Ebay so I tried this venue. The first things I started making was dolls. I made my own type of simple dolls that sold good but only for a short period of time and then the sales dropped off. So then I started making other different things and had the same experience time and time again. This is what I have noticed about Ebay is for me it would be okay to good temporary but always fizzled out. Ebay is good for back up especially if you need to make some quick money.

Eventually I came up with a few products that I have been making for some time and the difference now is that I am passionate about my new product line. I created Mystic Gardens Crystal Healing Soaps which are now pretty popular. I started selling them at the local Farmers Market and online. I then began approaching some local Stores in my area and to my surprise they are now selling them! Besides my soaps, I also now have added Candles, Bath Salts, Bath Fizzies, Crystal Pendulums, Wraps Bracelets, Energy Infused Wrap Bracelets and Earrings. I have an online shop called Magic and Energy on Etsy where most of these products can be bought. Click here to see the shop.

So if you are looking to make stuff and sell it my advice is first spend some time really thinking about it. Next make sure it is something that you are passionate about and that you will enjoy making. Next you need to look at cost and profit. How much will it take you to make this item by each piece and how much can you sell it for both at your cost and wholesale cost. These aspects of your business will determine whether or not you can be successful. with this. Another main ingredient is to always remain positive and believe that you can do it and understand that all businesses start from somewhere and you will not be rich overnight. In other words don't get discouraged during slow times because we all have them. Starting an Etsy shop is easy and does not cost much. Most sellers on Etsy don't see much for profits during the first year. You have to network a lot and get yourself out there and the competition is hefty so don't rely on this alone.

The next business I am going to talk to you about is my work as a Distributor for It Works Global. I started on this venture months ago and really have enjoyed it. I started with using their Ultimate Body Wraps. About the Wraps:
 Expect "ultimate" results with this amazing 45-minute body Applicator! The Ultimate Body Applicator is a non-woven cloth wrap that has been infused with a powerful, botanically-based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning, and firming results where applied to the skin.
  • Tightens, tones, & firms
  • Minimizes cellulite appearance
  • Improves skin texture & tightness
  • Mess-free and simple to use
  • Results in as little as 45 minutes
  • Progressive results over 72 hours
  • Made with natural ingredients

After using the Wraps and completely falling in love with them, I decided I wanted to sell them. I have add weight issues my entire life but more so after being diagnosed with Hypothyroid disease. I was carrying a lot of extra belly fat that I just could not get rid of. After using these Wraps for a month I had significant fat loss in my belly area and my stretch marks were noticeably faded. I looked and felt amazing! 

This in my opinion is the best way to get into this business. You use the products, fall in love with them and want to share them with others because you know they really work and you get so excited that you just want to share them with others! So this what I am now doing also. Let me add they have many other amazing products, a few of which I also use but I am not going to get into that today because I would be writing forever! Anyhow so how this business works!

  1. You sign up paying a 1 time fee of $99 what is included is your professional website, training, all the marketing materials you need and 1 box of Ultimate Body Applicators. (Wraps)
  2. During your first week you set up a Wrap Party and invite friends and family. This is where you will sell your Wraps if you choose for $25 a piece and you will instantly make your business investment back
  3. You sign up loyal customers at your first party and earn your first bonus by doing so and you will get $120 worth of free products!
  4. Next you use that bonus to get 2 Boxes of Wraps which gives you 8 Wraps in total and now you sell those for $25 a piece making you $200!
  5. You continue to sign up Loyal Customers and earn a monthly bonus check
  6. Make daily Wrap Cash
  7. Sign up Distributors (sellers like yourself) and earn money off them as well
  8. You now have your downline and continue to expand 
  9. You work with your customers and your Distributors to ensure success and continue to Grow
  10. You reach Ambassador level and are now making $75,000+ per month!
Sound Good? No its completely AMAZING! I love my job here and work hard everyday to help my team grow because I know that in a short period of time, I am going to reach Ambassador level and make all my dreams come true for my family and myself. It takes work yes, it takes dedication and drive. The work is fun though and you get to meet all kinds of new people and make new friends. There is nothing hard about it. It is not a get rich overnight scheme and the work you put in is what you will get paid for so you are in complete control of your paycheck. 

If this is something you are interested in trying then feel free to give me a text or call at 207-332-0255 or if you are like Sarah, this sounds amazing and I am ready to join your team and become Ambassador within a Year, then sign up and lets get to work! To join my Team you will need to sign up on my website. Click here to do so. 

So I hope I did not overwhelm you all with all this information and at any time if you have questions please feel free to ask. I hope you all have an amazing weekend! Hugs, Sarah

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Getting Started

Hello again I have a little extra time (imagine that) today and wanted to get right into how to get started at becoming successful as a stay at home Mom with your own business. The first thing that you really need to do is a lot of brainstorming and then research. You need to decide what kind of business you want and how to make it happen. Also you need to find out who is your competition. If there is a lot of competition it will be harder for you to market. So there are lots of things to consider when choosing a business. Another important thing is that your business is something that you need to be passionate about, something you can market with excitement and get others excited about your products or business.

Below is a great article that I have utilized in the past and can give you some helpful pointers once you have established what you are going to do.

10 Steps to Starting a Business

Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions and completing a series of legal activities. These 10 easy steps can help you plan, prepare and manage your business. Click on the links to learn more.

Step 1: Write a Business Plan

Use these tools and resources to create a business plan. This written guide will help you map out how you will start and run your business successfully.

Step 2: Get Business Assistance and Training

Take advantage of free training and counseling services, from preparing a business plan and securing financing, to expanding or relocating a business.

Step 3: Choose a Business Location

Get advice on how to select a customer-friendly location and comply with zoning laws.

Step 4: Finance Your Business

Find government backed loans, venture capital and research grants to help you get started.

Step 5: Determine the Legal Structure of Your Business

Decide which form of ownership is best for you: sole proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), corporation, S corporation, nonprofit or cooperative.

Step 6: Register a Business Name ("Doing Business As")

Register your business name with your state government.

Step 7: Get a Tax Identification Number

Learn which tax identification number you'll need to obtain from the IRS and your state revenue agency.

Step 8: Register for State and Local Taxes

Register with your state to obtain a tax identification number, workers' compensation, unemployment and disability insurance.

Step 9: Obtain Business Licenses and Permits

Get a list of federal, state and local licenses and permits required for your business.

Step 10: Understand Employer Responsibilities

Learn the legal steps you need to take to hire employees.

For an example for myself I love crafting and creating things. I make Soaps, Jewelry, and other crafty things that I sell at local shops, Farmers Markets and on my Etsy Shop. If you are good at making things this could be your first or only business. This is where I started and I use to boost my income to help my Main Business thrive. I also am very good at giving Psychic Readings so I also do this from home and bring in extra money. There are so many things that you can do, and the possibilities are endless. It takes some hard work and dedication, but the benefits are amazing! I have been able to stay home with my kids, work when I want and take vacations as I choose. I have no Boss and I know that I create my own paycheck. You want a big paycheck, work harder! It is that simple. I love my life and my goal is to help others learn to love their lives as well! Until next time, Many Blessings! Sarah 


Hello! Hope everyone is doing well today! For starters let me start by introducing name is Sarah and I live in Southern Maine. I am a 38 year old Single Mother and Business Woman. I decided to start this Blog today based on the fact that I have recently become very successful with my ventures and being a New Moon I wanted to share a little of my success and hope to help others.

I don't want to bore you with details so I am just going to give you a little history on my life to show you how I got from there to here. At the age of 17 I got pregnant with my first son who is now 20 years old! I later had my second son who is now 15 and finally my third and last child, another son who is now 7. I pretty much raised these boys on my own and received very little financial help from their fathers. I had to rely on welfare for some time to help me out in different ways. I am not afraid to admit that yes I needed help. I did this off and on for short periods of time until I realized that "there has to be more to life than this".

Sometime in my young 20's I started a life as a Hustler. I quickly learned that to get ahead in life you cannot work for someone else and thrive. I had worked various jobs and was barely able to pay my bills let alone child care. I am sure many of you can relate to this! I started many different self employment ventures and some worked for short periods of times while others failed.

Over the years I have never given up hope, yet could not seem to find the right cliche that would really work for me....until NOW!

I am not going to go into a lot of detail in this Introduction about everything I am doing now because I don't want to overwhelm you lol.

What I can tell you is this. Life is meant to be abundant. Life is meant to be prosperous. Life is meant to be filled with happiness. If you are not living a life like this than you need change!

Look to my next Blog which will be coming soon and I will start sharing my secrets to success with you!

Thank you and hope you all have a Blessed day! Hugs, Sarah